Mark Connell: "If you want to pursue your career as a production designer, you should try working for a carpenter"

If you want to pursue your career as a production designer, you should try working for a carpenter or a painter, at least for one day. This will help you understand what they do and how they do it and use it in set building. 

We talk to Mark Connell on the set he built for the Super Bowl commercial directed by The Sacred Egg director.

Mark is a fabulous production designer, who loves designing big fashion sets and have been doing so for brands such as Chloe, Pandora, Cartier, Gap or H&M. Although fashion is what he cherishes the most, he's also working and building amazing sets for other brands as well as some music videos.

In this short video, Connell lists some advice for the up and coming filmmakers and production designers and talking about the steps you should take on your way to making in big.
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